We believe in the power of prayer.
It would be our privilege to pray for you, your family or for any need you might have. After each service, several of our leaders are standing ready to pray with you.

When we worship, things will change.
A special night where we as a whole congregation spend more time in worship and linger in the presence of our almighty God.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.
Every first Wednesday of the month from 7-8 pm we gather as a church to pray for the needs of our church and our city.
We usually start our time together with worship followed by a short input on prayer before we move into a time of personal prayer and end the evening with a guided prayer time. Throughout the evening there will also be the opportunity to participate in communion.

21 Days of Prayer
Every year, always at the beginning of the year and after the summer vacation, we as a whole congregation take a dedicated time to seek God in prayer and believe for Him to move in powerful ways.
Prayer times (12.1.-31.1.):
Mon.-Fri. from 7-8 p.m.
Here are some helpful tools to navigate this special season as a church: