God Wants You to Know Him personally.
Most Christians start their journey to faith somewhere around this question – does God exists? And did Jesus die and then get raised to life again? Although there are so many more questions about life, faith and Jesus, the answers to these questions are really what Christianity hangs on.
We believe faith is not a crutch, is not wishful thinking, and is not contradictory to science or logic. In fact, we believe that philosophy, science and logic can all support the fact that it is possible to have a perfectly reasonable faith in Jesus. Yet, we also know that faith goes far deeper than rational thinking. It is about a living relationship with the eternal God.

Getting to know God
Everything begins with God.
God loves you
God loves you with a limitless and unconditional love. There is nothing that God desires more than for you to experience His love personally and to discover the meaning for your life in Him.
We're separated from God
Unfortunately, we don’t discover God’s love because we ignore God. We search for meaning and fulfillment but not from God. We don’t trust Him, and we ignore His rules. We try to live life on our own terms apart from Him, which is what the Bible calls sin. Sin hurts our relationships and destroys life with one another. Sin separates us from the life that God intended for us.
Jesus died for you
Our sin doesn’t hold God back from loving us. He went so far as to become man, in the person of Jesus Christ, and to give His life for us. He took our place and hung on the cross as the consequence of our sins. Jesus died – but He was resurrected to life again. He reconciled us to God. Through faith in Him, we can experience God’s love and receive eternal life.
Want to live with Jesus?
God did all of this to show us how very much He loves us. Through Jesus, He offers us a fulfilling, eternal life. Every one of us is challenged to make a decision. We can pray to God to forgive us for living life on our own terms. And we can decide to put our trust in Jesus Christ and to live with God from now on. What will you choose?
Will you pray?
According to Romans 10:10 & 13, we can pray this prayer to God in faith:
Dear God, Thank you that you love me and want the best for my life. I see now that I have been living my life without you. I am so very sorry about this. Thank you, Jesus Christ, that you have forgiven me for choosing to live my life without you and that you have forgiven me for all of my sins because you died and rose again for me. I want to trust in You. I ask you to come into my life, to be my Savior and Lord. Please let me experience your love and discover all the good things that You have planned for my life! Amen.